**Application closed for 2020
Let's get some vision! Come with us to Bosnia and Herzegovina for a deeper understanding of Balkan history, help to realize opportunities for entrepreneurship, & serve at our student leadership seminar. This trip would be good for people who are thinking about a deeper involvement, or have knowledge of how to start/run a business, and heart to empower marginalized youth.
Jericho Foundation - The Hope Project Promo Video

Jericho Foundation - The Hope Project Promo Video

March 27
Depart from Chicago International Airport
March 28 - April 2
Travel to BiH's largest cities while meeting with business professionals, taking educational tours, and visiting our students in their homes
April 3 - 5
Participate in our student leadership seminar with 40 college students on Jericho scholarship
April 6
Travel back to Chicago

How do I book my flights?The Jericho Foundation with will select the preferred dates and times of travel for the team. If you choose to book your flights outside of the given dates/times, any additional travel costs will be your responsibility. If you need help booking flights, we are happy to assist.
What about the money?If your application is accepted, you will be sent a link to pay trip costs. A payment schedule will be given at the first team meeting. Fundraising is a great way to get others involved in your mission trip and reduce your cost. You can request a fundraising guide to help you get a jump start. *Once purchased, each airline handles refunds uniquely but it will be your responsibility to seek out the various avenues to pursue a refund. All other trip fees are nonrefundable unless the trip is cancelled by the organization.
Is there any type of training before we leave?Yes! We love team building, and we’ve designed a training curriculum that will help prepare you for the trip through monthly meetings. As a participant, you are agreeing to attend these meetings ready to learn and excited to share. We will cover topics like country context, daily schedules, devotions, and what to pack; basically, all the nitty gritty details of going abroad. Out of town members can meet zoom into meetings.
Do people speak English?The primary language in the country is Bosnian. However, the vast majority of our students speak English and you will be able to converse regularly with them. We may face some language barriers with younger children and other people we serve however, there will always be someone present who can translate.
Am I going to be "roughin' it?We are traveling to serve, and our accommodations are comfortable but simple. With that in mind, we remain flexible and culturally aware that spaces are not always as large in European countries as in the US. We will always be staying in a safe and secure place with all the basic necessities.
Is Bosnia and Herzegovina safe?Bosnia is a safe country, but just like the US, you have to use wisdom in big cities and crowded areas. We always have a local person with us to help us navigate geographically as well as culturally. Although you assume liability on a mission trip, you do not need to be concerned about your safety while in the country. We've come up with rules and guidelines to help us maximize the experience and safety. Bosnia has all the necessary infrastructure such as public transport and clean drinking water from faucets. You do not need any special immunizations to visit BiH!
HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? Wondering what comes next or need clarification on something? Contact us!
We'd say the experience is pretty priceless but here's the fine print of the tangible trip fees.
Travel in BiH $ 125
Food $ 170
Lodging $ 285
Insurance, admin, & tours $ 150
Total $ 730
*Airline cost is NOT included. We are happy to assist you in booking flights!
What does this include?
-Team travel to and from Chicago
-Ground transportation in Bosnia
-Travel/medical insurance
-All meals
-Lodging at comfortable hotels
-Translator and administration costs in BiH
**If your travel to and from the airport is outside of Jericho specified travel times, you will be responsible for additional costs.